Audiometry Room
Portable Booth


Mr. Atul Bhende
+91 9422045238
+91 9284419446

Mrs. Shilpa Bhende
+91 9422075318
+91 9082930815


Speech Room

Design Aspects :-

  1.  Design room for high quality speech intelligibility and desired reverberation time for word recognition.
  2. The room constructed shall be frequency balanced having various frequency panels for quality speech and high acoustical integrity.
  3. Project shall be eco-friendly and non hazardous.


Salient Features :-

  1. All three types i.e. Fabric based, Gypsum based and / or PHB panel based acoustical treatments can be installed.
  2. Suitable Lux light intensity.
  3. Good isolation of magnetic induction.
  4. Low noise criteria to determine speech reception threshold.


Main Components :-

1. Wall Treatment – Consisting high and low frequency absorbers, bass traps, etc.

2. Ceiling Treatment – Mode cancelling and providing high ceiling transmission class.

3. Door – Double door system. Multilayered door with high sound transmission loss with good quality hardware, etc. Second door to support acoustical door for more Transmission loss.

4. Floor – Carpeted or false floor.

5. Electrical and instrument wiring without magnetic interference and quality Jack Panel to accept any type of audiometer or external electronic instruments.

Speech Room
Speech Room
Speech Room
Speech Room
Speech Room
Speech Room Speaker